
Application shortcut list

Application shortcuts

Ctrl .Open preferences
Ctrl NNew file
Ctrl Shift 1New file from first template
Ctrl SSave file
Ctrl Shft SSave file as
Ctrl QQuit
Ctrl Shift =Zoom in
Ctrl -Zoom out
Ctrl 0Reset zoom
Ctrl MousewheelZoom
F11Fullscreen mode
Shift F11Distraction free mode
AltShow menu temporarily when Hide Menu Bar is enabled. (Win/Linux)

Keyboard navigation

Ctrl MToggle between Tab key changing focus vs adding indentation
Ctrl Shift MMove focus to editor panel
F6Move focus to next application panel
Shift F6Move focus to previous application panel

Editor shortcuts (default)

Ctrl ]Indent the current line
Ctrl [Deindent the current line
Ctrl LSelect the current line
Ctrl Shift LConvert the current multiline selection to multiple selections, with their own cursors
EscapeIf you have multiple selections, drop all except the first one
Ctrl EnterInsert a line after the current line, and jump to that line
Ctrl Shift EnterInsert a line before the current line, and jump to that line
Ctrl DWith text selected, also select the next occurrence of that text
Ctrl F3With text selected, find next occurrence of that text
Ctrl Shift F3With text selected, find previous occurrence of that text
Ctrl Shift MSelects text between brackets, or select all. Applies to code in code blocks.
Ctrl Shift SpaceSelects text between brackets (as above), or selects all if no appropriate brackets
Ctrl Shift Up/DownSwap the current line with the one above or below it
Ctrl JCombine selected lines into one line (unwraps lines)
Ctrl Shift DDuplicate the current line
F9Sort the selected lines
Ctrl F9Sort the selected lines (case-insensitive)
Shift F9Reverse sort the selected lines
Shift Ctrl F9Reverse sort the selected lines (case-insensitive)
Ctrl Shift KDelete the current line
Ctrl-K Ctrl-KDelete to the end of the line
Ctrl-K Ctrl-BackspaceDelete to the beginning of the line
Ctrl-K Ctrl-UMake current word uppercase
Ctrl-K Ctrl-LMake current word downcase
Ctrl-K Ctrl-CScroll current line to center of editor
Ctrl FFind text
Ctrl HReplace text
Ctrl SpaceAutocomplete (links to markdown files or images)
Ctrl SpaceToggle the checkbox on the current line
Ctrl Shift EFix markdown in the current file
Ctrl Shift -Move to previous location in history
Ctrl Alt -Move to next location in history


Ctrl Shift [Fold the current section
Ctrl Shift ]Unfold the current section
Ctrl Shift \Toggle folding of current section
Ctrl-K Ctrl-1Fold all sections
Ctrl-K Ctrl-2Fold level 2
Ctrl-K Ctrl-3Fold level 3
Ctrl-K Ctrl-4Fold level 4
Ctrl-K Ctrl-5Fold level 5
Ctrl-K Ctrl-6Fold level 6
Ctrl-K Ctrl-0Unfold all sections
Ctrl-K Ctrl-JUnfold all sections


Alt Shift LeftDelete column
Alt Shift RightAdd column
Alt Shift UpDelete row
Alt Shift DownAdd row
Alt LeftMove column left
Alt RightMove column right
Alt UpMove row up
Alt DownMove row down
Ctrl Shift AReformat table
F5Sort by current column, ascending (mac)
Shift F5Sort by current column, descending (mac)
F9Sort by current column, ascending (win/linux)
Shift F9Sort by current column, descending (win/linux)